According to Indonesian police, at least 53 Indonesian civilians and security forces were killed in the Indonesian Papuan provinces, or West Papua, in 2022.
Thank you for simply stating facts you're reasonably sure of and allowing the people denied a voice in mainstream media an opertunity to speak for themselves. As a consultant with OPM I am happy to answer questions concerning West Papua's global situation, and I have a short briefing available at including a rather long & boring peer reviewed legal paper that a Griffith University journal published some years ago, several on-link links to declassified gov't & UN reports proving beyond doubt that West Papua is not part of Indonesia but is a UN trust territory that our governments & the UN have ILLEGALLY been concealing from the Trusteeship Council (which is meant to prepare yearly UN reports about all remaining trust territories i.e. West Papua) and at the bottom a link to a 3 minute video explaining how this situation came into existence.
Thank you for simply stating facts you're reasonably sure of and allowing the people denied a voice in mainstream media an opertunity to speak for themselves. As a consultant with OPM I am happy to answer questions concerning West Papua's global situation, and I have a short briefing available at including a rather long & boring peer reviewed legal paper that a Griffith University journal published some years ago, several on-link links to declassified gov't & UN reports proving beyond doubt that West Papua is not part of Indonesia but is a UN trust territory that our governments & the UN have ILLEGALLY been concealing from the Trusteeship Council (which is meant to prepare yearly UN reports about all remaining trust territories i.e. West Papua) and at the bottom a link to a 3 minute video explaining how this situation came into existence.