ISKP Depends on Archive Sites, Social Media, and Messaging Applications to Spread Propaganda
The Islamic State’s (IS) Khurasan Province (ISKP) stands out as a regional branch with a unique sub-IS Central media and communications apparatus. ISKP maintains a high output of propaganda and produces media productions in more languages than any Islamic State branch since the height of the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria.
ISKP is leveraging its linguistically skilled human capital and multifaceted media network to reach a wider audience for recruitment, fundraising, support building, and violent incitement. In recent months, the group has intensified its propaganda efforts to broaden its appeal to local, regional, and international audiences. ISKP heavily depends on technology platforms to host and disseminate its messaging to better reach existing and potential supporters.
This briefing examines the archiving sites, social media platforms, and messaging applications that ISKP uses to save and spread its materials, thus enabling the branch to continue expanding its reach and influence.